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觀鳥導賞 Guided Birding

時間 Time:3 hours 

最少人數 Minimum Capacity : 10 最多人數 Maximum Capacity : 25


Locations may subject to changes due to seasons and weather, details about outing location will be provided before hand. Price includes guiding, telescope will be provided, limited amount of binoculars can be provided upon request. 


Transportation not included, buses charged separately. 

每人 Per Person:



夜行探索 Night Walks

時間 Time:3 hours 

最少人數 Minimum Capacity : 10 最多人數 Maximum Capacity : 25


地點或因應季節或天氣而有所改變,地點詳情會於導賞前提供。費用包括導賞、講解以及觀察用 具,如有需要可提供手電筒。


Locations may subject to changes due to seasons and weather, details about outing location will be provided before hand. Price includes guiding and observation tools, torches can be provided upon request.


*不包括交通費用,如需安排旅遊巴另行收費。 Transportation not included, buses charged separately.

每人 Per Person:




Nature Experience Workshop

時間 Time:3 hours 

最少人數 Minimum Capacity : 10 最多人數 Maximum Capacity : 25


Locations may subject to changes due to seasons and weather, details about outing location will be provided before hand. Price includes guiding, observation tools, fieldworks demonstrations and recording tools. 


Transportation not included, buses charged separately. 

每人 Per Person:




Nature Art Workshop

時間 Time:3 hours 

最少人數 Minimum Capacity : 10 最多人數 Maximum Capacity : 25



Locations may subject to changes due to seasons and weather, details about outing location will be provided before hand. Price includes guiding, art making tools and materials. 


Transportation not included, buses charged separately. 


每人 Per Person:



Customised Guided Birding

時間 Time:5 - 10 hours 

最少人數 Minimum Capacity : 1 

最多人數 Maximum Capacity : 4


導賞會以私家車作為交通工具,以 便於最短時間內達不同的觀鳥地點。


We will travel in a private vehicle, enabling us to reach as many birding location as possible within the limited time.

全日 Full Day:

2,600HKD / 1 - 2 People 3,200HKD / 3 People

3,800HKD / 4 People

半日 Half Day:

1,400HKD / 1 - 2 People

1,700HKD / 3 People

2,000HKD / 4 People


Any form of food or drinks and entrance fees not included.

$450 起

每人由 From:

©2018 by Project CROW 嗚鴉自然教室.

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