觀鳥導賞 Guided
Situated in the middle of the East Asian Australasian Flyway, Hong Kong is an important waterbird migratory stop, every year over 60,000 water birds over winter near Deep Bay area. There are many different habitats found in Hong Kong despite it’s compact size, including marsh, fish ponds, agricultural land, freshwater marsh, forest, grassland and urban parks. All these habitats support a huge array of bird life, of the 553 species found in Hong Kong many of which are endangered species, including the Black-faced Spoonbill which have a global population of less than 4,000 individuals, over 300 of which winters in Hong Kong every year. While the now critically endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting migrate through Hong Kong from September to December and than from February to May, this species was formerly common, but years of hunting had decimated the global population. We will be able to visit some of these habitats during our Guided Birding Tours, giving you a better understanding of the behaviour of different species in their natural habitats.
Guided birding will usually take place in (but not limited to) the following locations :